September 30, 2010

Exploring the Often Misunderstood World of Adult ADHD-ADD

It wasn't that many years ago that attention deficit disorder, now known as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, was considered to be an obscure condition found only in children. Today we know that is not the case with an estimated 10 percent of all children having the condition and at least 5 percent of adults.
But ADHD ADD in adults presents itself much differently than when recognized in children. Perhaps this evolution evolves out of necessity or perhaps as the brain matures certain biological imbalances are either corrected or altered. Research has yet to provide us with these answers but what we do know is that hyperactivity morphs into the much less noticeable restlessness in most instances. Their once extreme hyperactivity is now internalized more and exhibited as fidgeting.
While in most ADHD ADD adults their hyperactive condition has transformed itself to become less noticeable certain symptoms likely will not improve with age. The most stark example of this is the primary symptoms of inattention/distractibility. Inattention/distractibility can be very problematic for ADHD ADD adults creating major challenges with job stability, relationships and magnifying some very important secondary symptoms such as low self esteem and anticipation of failure. The social and economic hardships caused by inattention or distractibility can also lead to co-occurring conditions such as depression.
So in ADHD ADD adults we have hyperactivity moving to the background with inattention and/or distractibility moving to the forefront. While this may seem like a fairly gloomy scenario at first blush, if the right set of circumstances occur the ADHD ADD adult can quickly move out of the spot light of failure into the much more appealing realm of prosperity and success.
Rarely are the positive aspects of attention deficit hyperactivity every discussed. This is mainly due to the narrow scope of which they must fit into not to interfere with life's responsibilities and challenges. But if an ADHD ADD adult can find just the right set of circumstances, both at home and at work, to apply their creativity, innovation, and risk taking skills they can truly parley these traits into great success.
Many have found their calling in the form of entrepreneurial ventures or self employment avoiding the stifling and strict requirements often found in the corporate world. In some ways you can look at an ADHD ADD adult who has found his niche as a racehorse which has been held back all his life and now is free to run as fast and as far as possible.
While some see success most don't. For these individuals finding a treatment option that can help them manage their symptoms should be one of their main priorities. The most common form of treatment for ADD ADHD adults are stimulant medications such as Ritalin or Cylert. While effective all stimulant medications come with a number of serious label warnings. The risk of side effects or perhaps lack of success with stimulants has prompted many to investigate other options. A couple examples of this are behavior modification therapy and/or homeopathic remedies. Homeopathic remedies for ADHD ADD adult are a side effect free way to address such problematic symptoms as inattention, distractibility, impulsivity, erratic behavior and hyperactivity and can be used both as a standalone treatment or as a compliment to other nonprescription alternatives.

R.D. Hawkins is an enthusiastic advocate of alternative natural health products and supplements with over 10 years experience. To learn more about natural remedies for better health visit Purchase

Adult-Child ADHD - ADD - Coping So it Really Works!

ADD is also known as Attention Deficit Disorder. Many times this disorder is also called ADD/ADHD. I am one of the thousands of Americans who has been diagnosed with ADD/ADHD. Those of you who know about this disorder know what a challenge each day is for me as I go about my daily routine and work. It is hard for me to pay attention to any one thing and if I find that boring or meaningless, I just move on to the next thing. This cycle occurs several times in a day and as a result my to-do list never gets completed.
However, suffering from ADD/ADHD does not mean that I have just bad traits in me. I have many positive traits, which I try to harness to overcome what I am lacking. I, like most people suffering from attention deficit disorder, am considered very creative. As surprising as it may sound but most people suffering from ADD/ADHD are creative and invariably when there is no outlet for the creativity, problems tend to increase.
In addition, I am sensitive and intuitive. When I say sensitive, you will not be able to see or observe this side of mine because usually I come across as insensitive. This is true for most people suffering from ADD/ADHD, especially males. Our society demands that men do not show their feelings and emotions and that is how we men appear -- emotionless and aggressive. The fact that most people suffering from ADD/ADHD rely on their feelings, they end up becoming very intuitive. This is also true for me but I cannot prove my gut feeling. So, I never speak much about my intuition though I am usually correct about many things.
However, living with ADD/ADHD is not easy. The positive facets of my personality are always hidden. What people end up seeing are the negative aspects of my personality and disorder because they are so apparent.
There are still many people who do not believe that ADD/ADHD exists. They think people like me are just lazy and do not want to take responsibility. But this is not true. ADD/ADHD is a reality for us and we have to live with it day in and day out without any cure. Just the symptoms can be controlled. I have trouble focusing on one thing at a time. The rest of the world views it as a problem. The problem lies in wanting to do multiple things at the same time but losing interest so fast that I am unable to complete even one task. In addition, there is the problem of getting organized. While this is a problem for everyone else, I do not view it as being disorganized. Having so many things that are unimportant at one given moment, means that some of the things will get misplaced. For instance, if my mobile rings, I do not worry about where my car key is. Because at that moment, the key is not important but the mobile is so I just dump the car key anywhere and end up misplacing it.
Time is an alien concept for me and everyone else who suffers from ADD/ADHD. This would explain why I never pay my bills on time or finish assignments on a stipulated date.
Having ADD/ADHD is difficult but that does not make me or thousands of other sufferers disabled. It is a disorder that the society has to accept and only then will we be accepted by the society for what and who we are.

The treatment of Child ADHD starts with the assessment of child to get more information about it please visit adult child add ADHD. It is widely accepted that constant monitoring is an important part of treatment of ADHD, how is it possible? You may find answer of it at conquer your add ADHD . Self medication is strongly prohibited for the treatment of ADHD, because drugs of ADHD treatment often have some side effects.

September 29, 2010

ADHD, ADD Differences - Sorting Out the Confusion

What are the ADHD, ADD differences? The first refers to an attention deficit hyperactivity disorder which means that the child's main symptoms are related to hyperactivity, impulsivity and inattention. This is also referred to as the combined type. ADD means that the main problem is inattention and that hyperactivity is absent.
But as there is a third subtype which is mainly hyperactivity only, the problem has been resolved by using ONE term, ADHD and dividing it into three subtypes to cover all the above. So, now we have the term ADHD as an umbrella term and its three subdivisions.
But are three subtypes enough to explain the ADHD, ADD differences and what about the term ADHD itself? This is actually a misnomer in that if your child has only attention problems, he is being labelled as hyperactive. ADD vs ADHD is all a bit messy!
In 2013, the new edition of the DSM, (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) Edition V will hit doctors' and pediatricians' surgeries and that is an event to watch! Why? Because there are suggestions to change the term ADHD altogether and just have three main conditions such as AD which will cover the attention deficit. The term HD will be used for those with hyperactivity only and ADHD will be for the combined type.
There is also a lot of discussion about actually raising the age of diagnosis to at least 7 years as experts have noted that the onset of symptoms can appear quite late. This would make diagnosing ADHD at the age of three a nonsense, but this is happening now, even as I write. There are also children on of a very tender age being put on psychostimulants! It is time to stop this madness. Certainly raising the age to 7-12 may help.
Whatever the decision on ADHD, ADD differences and the ways of defining them, I do not think much will change as regards treatment. Maybe, in the next few years, there may be a discovery of a drug which will act on a child's brain without robbing the children of a carefree childhood which is their right!
Maybe there will be more acceptance and willingness to treat this mental condition with homeopathy which is gaining ground and adherents in enormous numbers. This is because these remedies have no side effects and there are no health warnings.
If you think this is too good to be true and you want a better future for your ADHD child, why not visit my website below. When your child grows up to be happier and calmer, you will wonder what all the fuss about ADHD, ADD differences was all about!

Robert Locke is a Health enthusiast who specializes in Children's Health. He has written extensively on ADHD. Discover what ADHD ADD differences means in practical terms as regards treatment.. Find out how proper parenting of defiant children can save your sanity.

Adult ADHD - ADD - How to Cope!

Adult ADHD.  When I told my friend, Andrew, that I had adult ADHD, he was quite surprised. He thought that I would be hyperactive, loud, with unlimited energy and no control over my impulses. Without sounding too patronizing, I told him that what he had in mind was child, which I wasn't.
I then realized that many people did not know anything about adult ADHD because it is often mistaken for a disorder that only kids get. Although true to a certain extent, but most kids do not grow out of the disorder and it then tends to manifest itself no too far in the future. With years of dealing with this problem, I have realized that my symptoms have only gotten worse as I grew into adulthood. I suppose this is basically because of all the pressures of adult life. I was diagnosed with ADHD as a child.
Just like me, there are thousands of adults with this problem. Each day for us is a struggle where we have to control ourselves, keep our attention on the tasks at hand and keep a strict watch on our emotions. I have had troubled staying focused, being organized, managing my time and money, and remembering to do all the daily tasks. However, I have a very supportive family so it is much easier for me to deal with adult ADHD compared to all the other adults who do not have the necessary support.
I was lucky that I was diagnosed with ADHD when I was a child. The same cannot be said for so many adults who are out there. Trust me when I say that living with adult ADHD is total chaos; and living with undiagnosed adult AHDH can be a living hell. A person would be constantly stressed out about missing deadlines and forgetting appointments. In addition, the person would end up aggravating his friends and family who would think of them as an under-achiever. All this leads to self-blame.
Unfortunately, there is lack of information where adult ADHD is concerned. Most of the literature that I have found deals with children aged 2 to 12. And the saddest part is the most of these children will ultimately grow up to have adult ADHD. And most adults do not know where to go to get information on ADHD. Personally I think that adults suffering from adult ADHD do not want to be treated for this disorder because of conflicting reports that are available. In addition, there is a stigma attached when an adult seeks help and treatment. This makes adult ADHD sufferers to brush their problem under the carpet and pretend that it does not exist. I think if I had taken this route, I would not be leading such a fulfilling life.
I am not ashamed at my condition, and I try to educate and help other adults with attention deficit disorder. However, in order to combat this disorder, the adult himself has to take the first step in getting the disorder treated. For me the first step was accepting that I had a problem and then the treatment for adult ADHD became a lot easier.

Most of the people can't understand reason of difference in behavior of their child i.e. deficit disorder, you can find actual reason of such symptoms at conquering adult ADHD Every person must have few knowledge of Adult ADHD so that it can be cope with better understanding adult ADHD ADD frustration, discouragement and disappointment don't expect their highest level of competence to be the standard.

ADHD-ADD Medications Are Easy to Abuse teens these days seems more difficult than ever. With television shows encouraging teen sex, irresponsible behavior and excessive partying, it's getting harder and harder to protect our families. These days, we have to contend with drugs such as Ecstasy, methamphetamines, cocaine, and the covert but incredibly ubiquitous, prescription drugs. Working in an emergency department in a major US hospital, I know how much narcotics and anti-anxiety medicines are over-prescribed and abused. Most of the time, the narcotic medications are not necessary for the level of pain one feels, and it's merely fluff for the patient, to create a "satisfied customer" (or at least one that won't complain about you).
Everyday, it's estimated that over 2000 teens in the United States get high for the very first time, with a prescription drug. These include narcotic drugs such as vicodin and oxycodone, anti-anxiety pills such as Ativan, or Valium, and stimulants for ADHD such as Ritalin or Concerta. With the growing popularity of methamphetamines, the ADHD medications are quickly becoming the "legal drug of choice" for teens, as access is easy, and parents along with their doctors become the suppliers.
A recent 8 year study of data procured from poison control center data, showed a 76% increase in calls to the poison center, for 13-19 year olds with amphetamine and ADHD drug related toxicity. One of the possibilities for this increase is that ADHD medications are increasingly easily accessible. Consider this; during that study, researchers found that the prescription rate for ADHD medication rose 86%, from about 4 million to 8 million prescriptions!
ADHD affects between 8 and 12 percent of children and 4 percent of adults around the globe. It is said that there is at least one child in every classroom in the United States being treated for ADD or ADHD. Because these and other prescription drugs are so readily available, parents are advised to start monitoring their drug cabinets and keep their own medications out of temptations' way. It is equally as important for early education to the children in the household regarding the dangers of prescription drug use and abuse.

Richard Fan is a practicing emergency/trauma physician assistant in a busy Southern California ER, and an medical officer on the national disaster response team, DMAT CA-1. Routinely treating victims of assault, rape, and robbery, he has developed a passion and expertise in Personal Safety Through Smart Technology.
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September 28, 2010

ADHD-ADD Children - 3 Tips on How to Cope!

ADHD children have trouble paying attention in school and at home. I suffer from ADHD so when my son was diagnosed with the same disorder, I was not surprised. Like all kids, my son too is extremely active and impulsive. Initially he was seen as being difficult and having behavioral problems but thanks to the information I have and my own personal experience, we were able to get it diagnosed and start a treatment regimen.
There are many kids with this disorder in the United States. My son is not an anomaly because nearly 4 to 12 percent of school going children have ADHD, and it is more common in boys than girls. ADHD children are seen everywhere. Some of son's friends also have ADHD.
1.  While it was easy for my family to accept my son's condition, the same cannot be said about others. Most ADHD children are not diagnosed with the disorder and left on the fringes of society not knowing what the matter with them is. It is a sad fact because many parents do not want to think about having ADHD children so they just ignore the issue and pretend that either their children are too naughty or just stupid.
2.  However, if you suspect that your child has ADHD, I would recommend immediately consulting a doctor. Having ADHD children is not a stigma. Instead by getting proper treatment and understanding the issue, you will be able to handle your child and his ADHD better.
When my son was taken to the doctor on suspicion of attention deficit disorder, the doctor spent some time getting as much information as possible on my son's behavior from people who knew him. This meant that he asked us questions, my son's teachers as well as other family members. The doctor then compared my son's behavior to other children's behavior. My son also underwent vision and hearing tests to rule out anything other problem. This is the standard procedure for diagnosing ADHD children.
Today, my son takes medication to control his hyperactive behavior and in addition, he visits a psychologist where he undergoes behavioral therapy. All in all, the treatment is helping my son and he is feeling much better, which makes us very happy.
3.  As a parent and an ADHD sufferer, I know they all need more structure in their lives. So along with my spouse and son, we have some ground rules that my son needs to follow. This means having a written schedule for everything, having simple house rules, ensuring that my son understands what we want him to do or not to do, supervising him at all times and rewarding him for good behavior. Where school grades are concerned, my spouse and I know that ADHD children need to be rewarded for finishing their homework and school assignments rather than being harped about their grades; and that is exactly what we do. Of course, we do reward him for getting better grades.
It is tough being parents of ADHD children but a little effort can go a long way in helping and making everyone's life a lot easier.

If you want to know about different treatments for adult ADHD patients please visit add ADHD children help. Of course, finding the best ADHD supplements is wish of every victims of ADD, one can get information about it at add ADHD in children . The best ADHD supplement means that supplement that is best effective in relieving symptoms of ADD.

How to treat of ADHD (Attention Deficit Disorder) with natural remedies!

Attention Deficit Disorder [ADHD] is a common disorder of children. The children who suffer from this condition need special care and attention to their parents, carers or teachers. These children exhibit symptoms of hyper-activity and often poor progress in school studies give because they can't concentrate.

ADHD requires extensive treatment and there are some natural remedies that can be an effective treatment for controlling and completely healing this challenging disease.  Natural remedies for ADHD offer little or no side-effects and are not detrimental to children's growth.

However, to err on the side of caution, it is always advisable to consult a doctor before you try to apply any of the natural remedies.

Below are a number of natural remedies that can be use for treating ADHD:

Fish oil is a reliable source of Omega-3 fatty acids and is a very low-priced nutrient that can help in the development of the brain of children.  Daily intake of fish oil can help cure or reduce symptoms of ADHD.
ADHD children affected must drink a lot of water on a regular daily basis. Proper hydration of the body and of course brain cells brings a natural balance to their behavior and also reduces the intensity of HYPERACTIVITY AND ATTENTION DEFICIT disorder

Including flax seed into the diet of ADHD children, reduces their hyperactivity.

Children with ADHD need to have reduced levels of sugar intake. For some unknown reason sugar seems to make the problem worse and also cause complications in some ADHD children.

Another essential element is Boron.  This helps with the normal functioning of the brain and nervous system especially when taken on a daily basis.  Boron can be found in apricots, beans, bananas, almonds, broccoli, dates, celery and grapes too.

Evening primrose oil is a herbal remedy that can also be used as a natural treatment for ADHD.  This herb is used by therapists to help improve memory function and may also assist in improving intelligence in the ADHD child.

An additional herbal supplement is the passion flower which is great for controlling the hyperactive nature of the ADHD child.  With regular use this supplement can aid rest without any sedative side effects.

Skullcap is yet another effective herbal supplement that can have a positive effect on the ADHD disorder.  With regular use it can help reduce irritation, restlessness, headaches and much more.  It gives the child a good behavioral balance.

MD-RA Lovegrove GoHerbal Ltd Copyright-RA Lovegrove 2010 US/Worldwide suppliers of natural remedies our full range of ADHD treatment and homeopathic remedies are registered with the FDA.

September 27, 2010

Rainbows and Sunshine (AGES 6 to 11): children's relaxation CD developed with pediatricians for home/hospital; uses children's guided imagery and relaxation/healing techniques. For bedtime problems, insomnia, anxiety, asthma, IBS, cancer, surgery, ADD...

Rainbows and Sunshine (AGES 6 to 11): children's relaxation CD developed with pediatricians for home/hospital; uses children's guided imagery and relaxation/healing techniques. For bedtime problems, insomnia, anxiety, asthma, IBS, cancer, surgery, ADD...

Airy Melody's musical narrative CDs are created with pediatricians. They use relaxation/healing techniques, such as guided imagery, that have been clinically proven to reduce anxiety, help listeners fall asleep, and accelerate the body s natural healing process. Recommended by doctors!

For children ages 6 to 11t

We have CDs for three different age groups, because a 7-year old is different from a 4-year old! Each CD features children s guided imagery and relaxation/healing techniques shown to be effective for that age group.
* The Swan and The Mermaid (ages 3 to 6)
* Rainbows and Sunshine (ages 6 to 11)
* Waves and Light (ages 11, 12, teen, and adult)

Hospital friendly

Children in medical settings may be sensitive to certain triggers. Our narratives were reviewed by hospital psychologists and pediatricians, and edited to their specifications, to make them safe for use in the home and in the hospital.

About Rainbows and Sunshine

Rainbows and Sunshine has two peaceful narratives designed to help children relax, heal, and fall asleep. These narratives were developed with the help of hospital pediatricians and child psychologists to help children cope with medical procedures, hospital stays, and everyday stress; and to help activate the body's natural healing process. Each narrative features different music and mind-body techniques to appeal to a wider audience.

Rainbows is an enchanting bedtime story in which the child drifts on a cloud, visits a rainbow, and relaxes in a cocoon of healing light. This story includes proven, age- appropriate, guided imagery/relaxation exercises, beautiful guitar and string music, and enchanting songs about nature. Children relax with positive, happy thoughts in their minds while practicing relaxation techniques they can use all their lives.

Sunshine is a calming narrative in which children are gently led through age-appropriate relaxation and healing exercises. This narrative is beautifully orchestrated with strings, flutes, and waves.

The optimum relaxation tempo

The compositions in both pieces were recorded at the tempo that has been proven to be the most effective at evoking the relaxation response through a scientific phenomenon known as 'rhythm entrainment.'

This CD is ideal for people who:

* Are sick or hospitalized.
* Have trouble relaxing or falling asleep.
* Have siblings, parents, or children who are sick or hospitalized.
* Have ADD, ADHD, OCD, separation anxiety, depression, or panic disorder.
* Are undergoing changes such as a new school, new child in the family, move, or divorce.
* Have a parent or spouse in the military.
* Are having a hard time at school or work.
* Are traveling.
* Are afraid of the dentist, doctor, the dark, nightmares...
* Are suffering from PTSD after a storm, military duty or other traumatic experience.
* Are undergoing medical treatment such as surgery or chemotherapy
* Suffer from asthma, IBS, or other chronic medical conditions.
Have a parent or spouse in the military.
Are having a hard time at school or work.
Are traveling.
Are afraid of the dentist, doctor, the dark, nightmares...
Are suffering from PTSD after a storm, military duty or other traumatic experience. Are undergoing medical treatment such as surgery or chemotherapy
Suffer from asthma, IBS, or other chronic medical conditions.

Why wait to make life easier? Order now!

Price: $16.95

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All About Attention Deficit Disorder, Volume I [VHS]

All About Attention Deficit Disorder, Volume I [VHS]
In honest and straightforward language, this comprehensive guide describes how to recognize the symptoms of Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), how to best treat it, and how to handle its effects in everyday situations. Parents, teachers, physicians, and mental health professionals benefit from learning the latest on medication treatment for the disorder that affects approximately 20 million children and adults in the United States. This guide helps ADD individuals and their friends and families to understand ADD and to better serve the needs of ADD children and adults in school, workplace, and social situations.

Price: $29.95

Click here to buy from Amazon

September 26, 2010

Books Attention-Deficit Disorder

Books Attention-Deficit Disorder.


Click here to buy from Amazon

BrightSpark for Hyperactivity in Children

BrightSpark for Hyperactivity in ChildrenBrightSpark is a safe, non-ddictive, natural remedy containing 100% homeopathic ingredients especially selected to relieve hyperactivity, distractibility and impulsiveness in children, especially those with learning disorders. BrightSpark has been formulated specifically for children by Native Remedies' clinical psychologist and is a registered OTC homeopathic remedy. BrightSpark calms hyperactive children and improves concentration so children can focus on the task at hand. BrightSpark should be taken at the first sign of impulsive, attention-seeking and erratic behavior for fast and effective relief, as it will help keep your child calm, alert and focused.

Click here to buy from Amazon

September 22, 2010

Understanding ADHD - Does Your Child Have An Aggressive Behavioral Problem?

Are You Having Problems Understanding ADHD & Hyper Behavioral Problems?

For many parents, the excitement of taking their child to the office can sometimes turn into a nightmare.  For most children, they tend to be a bit shy at first, then they soon come our of their shell and quietly roam the office exploring things.

If you've ever bought your child with you to the office, then you will know the joy it is when can finally introduce them to your colleagues.  For one such parent, this was not the case.  This particular child ran around the office, tearing up work papers, slapping the other children and even the other work colleagues.  Some of the office equipment was even seriously broken, especially calculators and staplers.  Nothing was left untouched by this child.

It just happened that one parent actually had an ADHD child and noticed all the symptoms and was able to ask the parent if this was the child's normal behavior at home.  The resounding answer was YES! The parent thought this was normal and didn't quite have an understanding of ADHD.  Now, this is quite common for many ADHD parents who don't know anything different.  If you've always had a child displaying these issues, why would you think their was anything wrong!

Understanding ADHD in Your Child

One of the most major behavioral problems associated with children between the ages of 5 and 11 is Hyper activism aggressiveness.  Children who inhibit this behavior are often violent and tend to be all over the place.  They are often irritated, moody and have a short attention span and will often times ignore their parents.  One of the best ways to deal with this, is by having the parent displaying a calm, open minded and understanding approach.  Not always easy, but in this case, it doesn't help if both parent and child are having an aggressive outburst!

Another way to handle this kind of behavioral problem is through sports or other creative activities.  This will  help make them tired, so they are less likely to be running around at home.  Make a time to also talk to the child about how their behavior effects the rest of the family and also avoid hitting or spanking.  This kind of approach will only re-enforce to them that this kind of action is okay, and they result in doing the same thing when they are stressed or angry.  Remember, children will always copy what you do.

If you really need to discipline your child, then have him/her stand in a corner without you speaking to them and then explain afterwards what your reasons were for having them stand in the corner.  It may also be a good idea to consult a psychologist for intervention.

Even with all of this, children still deserve our unconditional love and support.  Try and deal with any behavioral situation with openness and get any kind of support you can if that is what you need.

Today you will find support in many different areas, you just need to ask for it.  Keep in mind, that as a parent, you also need a support foundation from which to work from.

Attention Deficit Disorder A To Z

Comprehensive Guide To Adhd For Parents.

For any Parent that is suffering from the effects of ADHD, then this comprehensive guide could be your life savior.  

Check it out!