September 29, 2010

ADHD, ADD Differences - Sorting Out the Confusion

What are the ADHD, ADD differences? The first refers to an attention deficit hyperactivity disorder which means that the child's main symptoms are related to hyperactivity, impulsivity and inattention. This is also referred to as the combined type. ADD means that the main problem is inattention and that hyperactivity is absent.
But as there is a third subtype which is mainly hyperactivity only, the problem has been resolved by using ONE term, ADHD and dividing it into three subtypes to cover all the above. So, now we have the term ADHD as an umbrella term and its three subdivisions.
But are three subtypes enough to explain the ADHD, ADD differences and what about the term ADHD itself? This is actually a misnomer in that if your child has only attention problems, he is being labelled as hyperactive. ADD vs ADHD is all a bit messy!
In 2013, the new edition of the DSM, (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) Edition V will hit doctors' and pediatricians' surgeries and that is an event to watch! Why? Because there are suggestions to change the term ADHD altogether and just have three main conditions such as AD which will cover the attention deficit. The term HD will be used for those with hyperactivity only and ADHD will be for the combined type.
There is also a lot of discussion about actually raising the age of diagnosis to at least 7 years as experts have noted that the onset of symptoms can appear quite late. This would make diagnosing ADHD at the age of three a nonsense, but this is happening now, even as I write. There are also children on of a very tender age being put on psychostimulants! It is time to stop this madness. Certainly raising the age to 7-12 may help.
Whatever the decision on ADHD, ADD differences and the ways of defining them, I do not think much will change as regards treatment. Maybe, in the next few years, there may be a discovery of a drug which will act on a child's brain without robbing the children of a carefree childhood which is their right!
Maybe there will be more acceptance and willingness to treat this mental condition with homeopathy which is gaining ground and adherents in enormous numbers. This is because these remedies have no side effects and there are no health warnings.
If you think this is too good to be true and you want a better future for your ADHD child, why not visit my website below. When your child grows up to be happier and calmer, you will wonder what all the fuss about ADHD, ADD differences was all about!

Robert Locke is a Health enthusiast who specializes in Children's Health. He has written extensively on ADHD. Discover what ADHD ADD differences means in practical terms as regards treatment.. Find out how proper parenting of defiant children can save your sanity.

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